Deconstructing Unconscious Bias Using Neuroscience & Mindfulness

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Due Quach at the 2018 Mindful Leadership Summit.
Due Quach (pronounced ‘Zway Kwok’) is the author of Calm Clarity: How to Use Science to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Wisdom, Fulfillment and Joy, one of Fast Company’s best business books of 2018.
Through her social enterprise, Calm Clarity, she uses neuroscience and mindfulness to guide organizations and individuals to address unconscious bias, lead with authenticity, foster genuine inclusion, heal trauma, and develop resilience.
Having started life in poverty as a refugee in inner-city Philadelphia, Due turned to neuroscience to heal the long-term effects of trauma, graduate from Harvard College and the Wharton School of Business, and build a successful international business career. Due’s extraordinary story is featured in The Portal, a documentary film about meditation as a portal for healing and transformation.
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