Looking Back at 2023 - Top 5 Articles & Posts

BL00 - Looking back at 2023  - Top 5 Articles & Posts

By Mindful Leader Team

As 2023 draws to a close, let's take a stroll down memory lane with Mindful Leader's top articles of the year. With a whopping 122 articles and a staggering 220,025 views on our blog, we thank our readers for their unwavering support. Let's dive into some of the year's highlights, counting down in true year-end fashion. Whether you're taking a breather from the holiday rush or just curious, these articles offer insights and tips for a more mindful life. From embracing forgiveness in the workplace to challenging the commodification of mindfulness, these pieces have resonated with many. So, grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and join us as we revisit the top 5 Mindful Leader articles of 2023.

#5 The Art of Letting Go: 5 Steps to Forgiving and Flourishing in the Workplace is a profound exploration of forgiveness as a catalyst for a positive workplace culture. It delves into a five-step process to overcome resentment, emphasizing the personal nature of forgiveness and its potential to transform work environments into spaces of productivity and harmony.

#4 How to be Mindful of McMindfulness critically examines the commodification of mindfulness in modern culture. It challenges the superficial use of mindfulness practices, urging a deeper, more socially conscious approach that acknowledges the broader factors affecting stress and well-being.

#3 10 Takeaways - The Good Enough Job & Workism by Simone Stolzoff offers a refreshing perspective on work and identity. It argues against the pursuit of a perfect job, highlighting the importance of finding satisfaction in 'good enough' roles and warning against the risks of workism, where one's job becomes their defining characteristic.

#2 Dialectic Thinking: The Secret to Exceptional Mindful Leadership discusses the importance of embracing contradictions in leadership. It advocates for a leadership style that is more reflective, inclusive, and capable of navigating complex situations, urging leaders to adopt dialectic thinking to enhance their effectiveness.

#1 7 Breathing Exercises for a Balanced Mind and Body stands out as the most popular, offering practical techniques for using breathwork to improve mental and physical health. It showcases various breathing exercises as tools for stress management, cognitive enhancement, and promoting a sense of calm, highlighting the significance of regular practice for overall well-being.

Top five posts on Linkedin

Our engagement with the 187,470-member community on LinkedIn has been nothing short of phenomenal this year, and it's thrilling to see the growth in our presence. Here's a nod to the articles that resonated most with you, our audience, and became our most shared and celebrated posts.

#5 Psychological safety: 3 ways leaders can create a safe space by Jennifer Gendron became a cornerstone of conversation, advocating for psychological safety in leadership. Her emphasis on inclusive communication, owning mistakes, and supporting the team has clearly struck a chord, offering a blueprint for trust and innovation in the workplace.

#4 Psychological Safety in the Workplace is More Than Being Nice by Dr. Robin Buckley includes her nine-step guide for creating a psychologically safe workplace that goes beyond mere niceties. Her insightful strategies for open communication and fostering inclusivity captured your attention, showing that a safe workplace is akin to giving employees a professional wingsuit for innovation and well-being.

#3 7 Reasons Why Creating the Right Culture Should Be a Leader's Top Priority by Gordon Tredgold is a piece on the importance of positive workplace culture that has become a guiding light. Outlining seven key reasons for leaders to cultivate a supportive environment, the article underscores the impact of culture on everything from employee morale to organizational success.

#2 How to be an empathetic boss, even when you're completely burned out by Rebecca Knight is on maintaining empathy as a leader, despite personal burnout, providing much-needed insight. It highlighted the crucial role of empathy in job satisfaction and loyalty, urging leaders to bridge the empathy gaps in today's challenging work environments.

#1 Managers Have Major Impact On Mental Health: How To Lead For Wellbeing takes the top spot. Tracy Brower's profound article on the impact of managers on mental health. Equating this impact to that of a partner, Brower's piece, with its actionable advice for leaders, has been pivotal in emphasizing the role of empathetic leadership in promoting employee well-being.

Be sure to follow our LinkedIn page to never miss any of our posts!

Thank you for making 2023 an unforgettable year with your engagement, thoughtful comments, and shares. Your participation in these vital discussions has been invaluable. Cheers to another year filled with growth and enriching conversations!


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