
Exercises / Practices

Unlock the Power of Now: Reality Therapy Based Practice

April Image

By The Mindful Leader Team

What is Reality Therapy? 

Reality Therapy, developed by psychiatrist William Glasser in the 1960s, is a powerful approach that helps individuals take responsibility for their choices and actions, ultimately leading to improved mental well-being and relationships. This article aims to provide an overview of Reality Therapy, its key principles, and its application in various aspects of life, as well as a self-guided practice to explore how to apply this approach in per…

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The Opa Method: Laughing in the Face of Spilled Milk (and Broken Plates)

opa method

By Mo Edjlali, Founder & CEO

Life, in all its unpredictability, often feels like a well-rehearsed play where suddenly an actor forgets their line, or the props fall apart. It's in these unscripted moments—like when a plate crashes to the ground, or a phone rings in the sacred silence of meditation—that we're given a choice. How do we react? With frustration, an outburst, or a shout of "Opa!"?

For some of us who have been in toxic atmospheres where a broken plate would result in shame, blame, a…

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Love thy Bully: 2-minute Exercise to Help with Toxicity at Work

BL00 - Loving kindness

By Mo Edjlali, Founder & CEO

Confronting Workplace Challenges

In the early days of my meditation journey, I worked full-time doing IT program management for federal agencies. One memorable project was to champion our department's software needs and evaluate the work of a contracting firm eager to conclude their software development efforts.

This firm was ready to wrap things up and move on. The VP who was overseeing the development was eager to swiftly, and with as little cost, secure approva…

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Harnessing The Power Of Reflection: The Start, Stop, Continue Exercise With A SMART Twist

start, stop, continue

In the bustling corridors of modern workplaces, the need for self-reflection and continuous improvement is more crucial than ever. Rooted in principles of organizational development, the Start, Stop, Continue exercise is simple and effective. Its origins, while not attributed to a single creator, lie in the collective wisdom of management and human resources professionals who recognize the power of actionable feedback.

The Essence of the Model

The model is disarmingly simple: categorize action…

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4 Stoic Strategies to Help Master Ego - Insights from Ryan Holiday

BL00 - 4 Stoic Strategies to help master ego - Insights from Ryan Holiday

By The Mindful Leader Team


In "Ego is the Enemy," Ryan Holiday masterfully explores the management of ego, blending Stoic wisdom with captivating historical anecdotes and key psychological principles. He argues that effective leadership is deeply rooted in the understanding and management of one’s ego. His insights are crucial for leaders seeking to navigate the complexities of ego, harmonizing the rational detachment of Stoicism with the mindful awareness at the heart of Mindfuln…

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Looking Back at 2023 - Top 5 Articles & Posts

BL00 - Looking back at 2023  - Top 5 Articles & Posts

By Mindful Leader Team

As 2023 draws to a close, let's take a stroll down memory lane with Mindful Leader's top articles of the year. With a whopping 122 articles and a staggering 220,025 views on our blog, we thank our readers for their unwavering support. Let's dive into some of the year's highlights, counting down in true year-end fashion. Whether you're taking a breather from the holiday rush or just curious, these articles offer insights and tips for a more mindful life. From embracing for…

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Iterative Questioning: Unveil Your Year's Hidden Lessons with 10 Key Inquiries

Bl00 - Iterative Questioning Unveil Your Year's Hidden Lessons with 10 Key Inquiries

By The Mindful Leader Team

As the year winds down, it's a season not just for holiday cheer but for contemplation and forward-thinking. Often, in our year-end musings, we barely scratch the surface of our deeper aspirations. To enrich this annual introspection and guide us in shaping goals that truly resonate with our ambitions, we've crafted an exercise rooted in a methodology known as Iterative Questioning. This practice, anchored in the philosophy of consistent and deeper inquiry, invites bo…

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Fostering a Culture of Gratitude in the Workplace: Simple Practices for Lasting Impact

BL00 - Fostering a Culture of Gratitude in the Workplace Simple Practices for Lasting Impact

By The Mindful Leader Team

In the hustle and bustle of the modern workplace, where deadlines loom and stress can mount, cultivating a sense of gratitude may seem like a lofty goal. However, integrating simple and effective gratitude practices into the daily fabric of team interactions can foster positive emotions and enhance the overall work environment.

Picture this: a team standup, a meeting, or a meditation session seamlessly incorporating a moment of reflection, which can easily incorporat…

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Unlocking Compassion: 8-Step Gestalt Empty Chair Practice

_BL00 - Unlock Compassion 8-Step Gestalt Empty Chair Practice

By The Mindful Leader Team

The Empty Chair Technique is a valuable tool for self-exploration and emotional healing. By engaging in this experiential exercise, you can gain a deeper understanding of your inner conflicts and emotions, paving the way for personal growth and positive change. It is a talk therapy exercise commonly used in Gestalt therapy which was developed by Fritz Perls in the 1940s. It is designed to allow you to express your thoughts and feelings as if you were talking to a spec…

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3 Tips to Support Your Mental Health during Tumultuous Times

BL00 - 3 tips to support your mental health during tumultuous times

By The Mindful Leader Team

As the tragedies between Israel and Palestine unfold right before our eyes, there's this collective emotion, this palpable anguish, and a quest for clarity that's proving difficult for many. The weight of it all can press on our mental landscapes. Let's walk through some insights on how to sail these choppy waters, underlining the need for genuine emotional resonance, wise media habits, and the unparalleled strength found in patience and giving things some room.

1. E…

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