

Mindfulness or Buddhist Spirituality for Sale? A Call for True Independence

BL00 -Spirituality for Sale

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader Founder and CEO

As we reflect on freedom and self-determination, we must examine the state of mindfulness in our society. Our field is experiencing a concerning decline and facing growing criticism. Something is fundamentally off, and this article aims to explore one of the potential reasons contributing to this blowback.

Since 2009, when I became involved in this field, the mindfulness industry has experienced significant growth, benefiting millions while blurrin…

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Mindful Ethics: 4 Questions Raised by a Reverse Exorcism

BL00 - Mindful Ethics

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader Founder & CEO

The episode "Belief" from the series Mind Field explores the profound impact of belief and suggestion on human perception and experience. The central experiment of the episode, described as a "reverse exorcism," is designed not to expel a spirit from an individual but rather to induce the sensation of a spirit entering them. This concept, while fabricated for the purpose of the experiment, serves as a vehicle to investigate the power of belief and the…

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Mindfulness Beyond the Hype

BL00 - Mindfulness Beyond the Hype

By Dr. Gus Castellanos, Guest Contributor

Earlier this year, I wrote about my concerns regarding the future of mindfulness. These centered around the decline in participation in MBPs, partly due to competition from tele-mental health services (covered by insurance) and psychedelics (quick fix) as alternatives; the emergence of inadequately trained teachers; the plethora of apps and asynchronous digital programs; the continued overpromotion and commodification; and the influence of AI.

What Com…

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Can the 9 Attitudes of Mindfulness do Harm?

Reeval 9

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader Founder and CEO

If you have ever taken Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) or are familiar with the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, you probably have heard of the nine attitudes of mindfulness. Initially, Jon Kabat-Zinn described these attitudes in his book Full Catastrophe Living. They are foundational attitudes essential for cultivating mindfulness: non-judging, patience, beginner's mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, letting go, gratitude, and generosity. These…

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5 Reasons Visualizations do not belong in Mindfulness Meditation Training

BL00 - 5 Reasons Visualizations do not belong in Mindfulness Meditation Training

By Mo Edjlali

Mindfulness meditation, with its deep roots in ancient traditions, stands as a beacon of self-awareness and present-mindedness. The essence of mindfulness is to embrace the present moment in all its raw authenticity. Yet, as mindfulness has grown more and more popular, a slew of techniques have been brought into this timeless practice, with visualization standing out as one of the most debated. 

Today, the allure of visualization is omnipresent—from spiritual sanctuaries to compe…

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Mindfulness Reformation: Balancing Capitalism and Spirituality

BL00 - Spirituality for Sale

By Mindful Leader Team

The meteoric rise of mindfulness in the modern corporate world is testament to its transformative potential. As boardrooms and corporate workshops echo with its principles, its burgeoning popularity beckons an increasingly commodified approach. But within this commercial boom lies a fine ethical line.

Understanding the Foundations and the Complexities

Mindfulness, deeply rooted in Buddhist teachings, has found a prolific space in the West. It's praiseworthy that such an…

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How to be Mindful of McMindfulness

BL00 - How to be Mindful of McMindfulness

Ronald Purser, PhD at the 2019 Mindfulness at Work Summit

In recent years, the practice of mindfulness has gained significant popularity, offering individuals a seemingly effective means of managing stress and finding inner peace. However, a critical examination of this phenomenon, known as McMindfulness, reveals how the practice has been commodified, diluted, and marketed as a panacea for all of life's challenges. Coined by Miles Neale, McMindfulness sheds light on how mindfulness has be…

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10 Takeaways - The Good Enough Job & Workism

BL00 - 10 Takeaways - The Good Enough Job & Workism

By The Mindful Leader Team

Caught in a whirlwind of work idealization, many are on a quest for the quintessential job. In a recent interview with Onpoint’s Meghna Chakrabarti, Simone Stolzoff discussed his new book “The Good Enough Job” and offered ten insights into our understanding of work, suggesting that a subtle shift in perception could unlock the doors to more enriched living.

  1. Shattering the Perfection Illusion: Stolzoff drew an analogy between our work idolization and mid-20th-centur…

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Spirituality for Sale

BL00 - Spirituality for Sale

By Mo Edjlali

In a recent whackfulness article titled "Digital Deepak: A Byte of Enlightenment?", I briefly discussed Deepak Chopra and his association with the AI Foundation. Subsequently, just a few days ago, I watched this session featuring OpenAI CEO Altman and Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield, which left me with mixed feelings. While I acknowledge and respect the intentions and capabilities of these individuals, I feel a sense of uneasiness in my bones. And sure I have my concerns about AI,…

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Digital Deepak: A Byte of Enlightenment?

BL00 - Digital Deepak A Byte of Enlightenment

By Mo Edjlali

As you all know I’ve been writing monthly articles for our Whackfulness series and I’ve also been a bit obsessed with AI, writing about how we might use Chat GPT to support our work.  For my whole life, I’ve followed AI and in the last few years as the technology has advanced, I’ve been tuning into how it might apply to our field. One of the earliest and clear examples, and something alumni of our CWMF class have heard me talk about, is the subject of this article.

Picture this: …

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