
Mindful Leadership

The Art of Leading Yourself

BL00 - The Art of Leading Yourself-Max-Quality

By Georgina Miranda, guest contributor

Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world. As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”

We can consider these impactful words when it comes to leadership today. Developing the art of leading ourselves, our personal leadership, becomes a critical step before we can lead others on the path to greatness and success. Human…

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5 Ways to Increase Remote Worker Engagement

BL00 - Engaging Remote and Hybrid Remote Employees-Max-Quality

By Jay Forte, guest contributor

It might seem hard to believe now, but just a few short months ago, one of the biggest challenges organizations faced was keeping its employees engaged. In fact, the Gallup Organization reported in its The State of the American Workplace report that the percentage of engaged employees hovered around only 30% of the workforce for most of the past 20 years. 

Let’s put that into perspective: only 30% of employees were engaged in their work. They brought their A-gam…

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Bringing Mindful Leadership Education to our MBA Program at MIT

BL00 - Our Student-Led Journey Towards Mindful Leadership Education in the MBA-Max-Quality

By Meggan Davis, José Ramos, and Jeremy Scharf, guest contributors

We started Mindfulness and Leadership (“M&L”) in 2019 as a student-led initiative at MIT’s Sloan School of Management with a firm belief that to lead others well we must first know ourselves. Despite research recognizing some inner knowledge is key to effective leadership, many MBA students graduate without a toolkit for understanding themselves or how they relate to others.

Jeremy Scharf, one of our co-founders and a second-ye…

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How Nature is Saving Remote Workers (And Can Help You Too!)   

BL00 - How Nature is Saving Remote Workers (And Can Help You Too!)-Max-Quality

By Mark Morey, guest contributor

Remote worker burn-out is a tsunami slowly rolling towards every manager who thinks they dodged a pandemic bullet. 

As New York Times columnist Jennifer Senior put the matter bluntly in her recent op-ed: “We are not, as a nation, all right.” (1)

The ground is shifting beneath our feet. Life is confusing and yet our responsibilities are still requiring our participation and leadership. If you are in a company and have direct reports you have already seen the si…

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The Power of a Pause

BL00 - The Power of Pause-Max-Quality

By Chris L. Johnson, PsyD., guest contributor

COVID’s tragic impact—on health and the economy, working remotely or job seeking, juggling kids and school, racial strife, and a divisive US election soon—is like nothing we’ve ever had to address (1). Yet, if these past few months of enforced pause have shown us nothing else, it’s that we’re able to learn on the fly.

Conventional, rationalistic tradition—involving lectures, books, data points, and debate—has led us to believe that learning is some…

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How to Hold Space for Mindfulness Online

BL00 - How to Hold Space for Mindfulness Online-Max-Quality

By Joy Reichart, New Ventures West, guest contributor

As a school dedicated to everyone uncovering their authentic contributions to life, we at New Ventures West have always worked to cultivate optimal conditions for growth and connection. We are constantly honing and refining the ‘containers’ for our Integral Coach training programs—particularly now that we have moved to a virtual classroom.

What is a well-held container?

A container for growth is just that: a physical and energetic field ar…

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Checklist: How to Support Emotional Wellness for Remote Employees

BL00 - A Manager Checklist of How to Support Remote Employees

By Jay Forte, guest contributor

So many people today are working remotely. With a computer and Internet connectivity, employees can get most (or all) of their usual work done. 

But working from home during a pandemic is drastically different from the traditional work-at-home mentality. Today, remote employees have to juggle so many things that impact their productivity. There is family, home schooling, shopping in a pandemic, having enough of the essentials, finding and using safety equipment …

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Challenges of Strategic Leadership: Mastering Executive Functions

BL00 - Challenges of Strategic Leadership Mastering Executive Functions

By Art Kleiner, Jeffrey M. Schwartz, and Josie Thomson, guest contributors

This is part of a series. You can find the first article here

Strategic leadership is the ability to handle complex problems: where there is no obvious or facile solution, the stakes are high, and collaboration with others is essential. In this series for Mindful Leader, we are exploring the seven challenges, based in the mind and brain, which strategic leaders can expect to face as they move through their careers.  

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Improve Learning Agility with Mindfulness

BL00 - Improve Learning Agility with Mindfulness

By Andy Lee, guest contributor

In 1988, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) published a book that transformed how people thought about leadership development. In The Lessons of Experience, the authors proposed that based on their research, the most important source of professional growth is not training programs or even mentoring relationships, but rather the insights that result from on-the-job experience. They captured this lesson in the 70-20-10 prescription for leadership development, …

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COVID-19: A personal note from Mo

Dear Friends,  

The other night my 2 1/2-year-old daughter woke up screaming and trembling in fear. "What's wrong, honey?" I asked. Her response, " in my bed." I tried to comfort her, "No one is in your bed, it's just your imagination." I rubbed her back for a while, watched her eyes close, and then quietly snuck out of the room. A few minutes later I heard, "Daddy. Daddy! Daddy!!!" with more fear and panic. 

After five more times of the same cycle - crying, comforting, sneaki…

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