
Mindful Leadership

8 Mindful Leadership Tips for Reducing Stress

BL00 - 8 Mindful Leadership Tips for Reduced Stress Living

By John Murphy, guest contributor

Here is something to contemplate: Why manage something when you can delete it? Why solve problems inside a box when it is the box itself that is the problem? 

In today’s world, we are inundated with strategies and techniques on how to manage unhealthy stress, but very little is offered on how to eliminate it. Some even question whether this is possible. 

No doubt, stress can be a challenge. Every year seems to bring more things to worry about. Viruses. Climat…

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Developing the Mindset and Skill Set of a Servant Leader

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What can mindful leaders learn from servant leadership, a movement that has been around since 1970? Find out from business leader, expert speaker, and the author of The One Minute Manager.

By Ken Blanchard, guest contributor

I have an important question for you: Are you here to serve or to be served?

Your answer to this question is the first step on your journey to becoming a servant leader. Why? Because self-serving leaders think leadership is all about them—but servant leaders know that lea…

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Do You Have the Mind of a Strategic Leader? 

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By Art Kleiner, Jeffrey Schwartz, and Josie Thomson, guest contributors

If you want to lead your organization toward long-range goals, prepare for these challenges.

The goal of many enterprises today – business, government, and not-for-profit – is to be strategic. This means being undaunted in the face of complexity and disruption: able to handle complex, “wicked problems” for which there is no obvious solution. And strategic organizations need strategic leaders: people who can foster that qua…

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3 Steps to Make Better Decisions With Mindfulness

BL00 - 3 Steps of Mindful Decision Making

 By Janice Marturano, guest contributor

Every day we are asked to make decisions. Some are of little consequence while others can literally change our lives and the lives of others. When those important questions arise, we can find it difficult to choose. We might feel paralyzed by an overload of input from others, or we might feel as though there is no clear "right." So, are there ways a mindful leadership practice can help? Let’s look at 3 Steps to Mindful Decision-Making:  

Step 1: Stop and…

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4 Ways Mindfulness Can Help You Be Your Own Coach

BL00 - Be Your Own Coach

By Andy Lee, guest contributor

Coaching for professional development is continuing to grow in popularity. The International Coach Federation estimated in 2016 that there are 20,000 coaches in North America and growing, generating $1+ billion in revenue. In this age of endless self-help websites and blogs offering all sorts of job and career advice, it’s easy to understand the appeal of receiving guidance from a single human in a 1:1 setting. 

Workplace coaching can have a profound impact on pe…

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How to See Beyond Your Structure of Interpretation

BL00 - Structure of Interpretation

By Joy Reichart, guest contributor

I recently spoke to someone who is curious about training to be an Integral Coach. Integral Coaching is a developmental methodology that supports clients in becoming self-generating and self-correcting, moving through all areas of life with greater capacity, spaciousness, and sense of possibility. 

This person’s interest stems from a pattern he’s noticed in his life—namely, breakdowns in leadership in the organizations he’s been a part of. He intends to use h…

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The 3 Most Common Fears Facilitating Mindfulness in the Workplace

BL00 - 3 Fears of Mindfulness Facilitators

By Wendy Quan, guest contributor

Many people who have discovered that mindfulness has positively impacted their lives often develop a desire to compassionately help others discover and practice mindfulness too.

Though this is a virtuous desire, it takes knowledge and skill to do this successfully. 

How does someone make the transition from having a personal practice to leading this in the workplace? It may seem like a daunting task for some.  

There are many elements to becoming a skilled mi…

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3 Habits to Turn Your Inner Critic into a Wise Advocate

BL00 - Wise Advocate

By Art Kleiner, Jeffrey Schwartz, and Josie Thomson, guest contributors

Have you ever had a difficult executive decision to make? This is the kind of choice where the best options aren’t obvious, the consequences aren’t crystal-clear, and the outcome could affect hundreds of people or more. Maybe you’re a leader of a company, contemplating a round of layoffs; or an up-and-coming entrepreneur offered a lucrative deal that doesn’t seem right.

The tension you feel is between an expedient choice –…

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3 Core Principles of Responsible Mindful Marketing

BL00 - Internet Force for Good

By Tyler McCune, guest contributor

Life is complex, communication is too

For most of human history, communication has been between small groups that share similar cultural ideals. 

Yes, there were scrolls of papyrus, chiseled steles, and hieroglyphs adorning blocks of stone. But until the advent and subsequent takeover of the printing press, the vast majority of people couldn’t read, which meant that one-to-one or one-to-a-few communication was the norm. 

Now we’ve created vast webs of inter…

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MIT? More Like Mindfulness in Training

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By Ilona Balagula, Kalina Kourdova, Roxanne Moslehi, José Ramos, and Jeremy Scharf, guest contributors

As MBA students at MIT Sloan School of Management, the five of us are exposed to an immense array of opportunities outside the classroom. From finance groups to consulting clubs to an endless number of industry treks, how we choose to spend our time is perhaps the biggest decision we must make at school. Despite so many offerings at our fingertips, we have found that we rarely participate in p…

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