
Mindful Leadership

3 Essential Elements to Creating Harmony at Work

BL00 - 3 Essential Elements to Creating Harmony at Work and in Life (1)

By David Belden, guest contributor

Nearly three decades ago, long before anyone in the business world had heard of mindfulness, I was introduced to the concept in an unusual manner. While running a company in Asia, I had a wonderful guide in all things Buddhist. He helped me deepen my meditation practice, instructed me in Chi Kung, and spent many hours sharpening my beginner’s mind. One day I asked him how I could improve my work/life balance. I remember starting the conversation with somethin…

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Why Empathy Isn’t Enough for Leadership

BL00 - Why Empathy Just Isn’t Enough for Leaders Who Want to Create Real Change

By Michelle Maldonado, guest contributor

With the groundbreaking work of researchers such as Brené Brown and others, we have learned much about the power of empathy at work, at home, and in life as fuel for us to heal, connect, set healthy boundaries, and create psychological safety.

While empathy is a critical element needed to transform leaders and organizations, it (along with sympathy) form the foundation for us to take wise action. Empathy is the building block to develop compassion, thro…

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5 Myths about Self-Compassion

BL00 - 5 Myths about Self-Compassion

By Kristin Neff, guest contributor

What keeps us from being kinder to ourselves?

Most people don’t have any problem with seeing compassion as a thoroughly commendable quality. It seems to refer to an amalgam of unquestionably good qualities: kindness, mercy, tenderness, benevolence, understanding, empathy, sympathy, and fellow-feeling, along with an impulse to help other living creatures, human or animal, in distress. But we seem less sure about self-compassion. For many, it carries the whif…

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Shakespeare’s Secret to Being an Effective Leader

BL00 - Shakespeare’s Secret to Being an Effective Leader (1)

By Michael Bunting, guest contributor

What character trait is most valued in leaders?

To find the answer to this question, leadership experts Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner surveyed well over 100,000 people to ask which personal traits, characteristics, and attributes they looked for and admired in leaders. Their findings have relevance to every leader today.

At the top of the list by a long shot (89 per cent) is honesty. More than anything else, people want honesty from their leaders. But de…

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5 Easy Steps to Worrying Less at Work 

BL00 - 5 Easy Steps to Worrying Less

By Elisha Goldstein, guest contributor

Imagine being able to show up at work feeling more self-confidence and less worry. What impact would that have on your energy level and what you can achieve that day? As humans, we will always struggle with worry and fear. But when we allow them to take control of our thoughts, actions and consequences follow. We might find ourselves procrastinating more often, being less creative, taking fewer risks—all of which affects our level of growth and success.


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6 Highlights for Mindful Leaders from Ray Dalio's AMA Session

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By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader President and Chief Community Organizer

The billionaire Ray Dalio founded Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge-fund, in 1975. His net worth is $18.4 billion.  In 2017 tweeted:  “Transcendental Meditation has probably been the single most important reason for whatever success I’ve had...”. 

On May 7th, Dalio hosted a candid Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), during which people on Reddit could ask him any questions they’d like. He began the Q&A by posting: “I’m Ray…

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Embodying Unbreakable Wholeness and Well-Being

BL00 - Unbreakable Wholeness and Well-Being

By Richard Miller, PhD, guest contributor

We experience ourselves and the world around us through our body, as every inner and outer perception that we experience is registered within as sensation. It is our ability to be aware of and respond to our internal somatic sensations, as messengers, that enables us to successfully navigate the ins and outs of everyday life and relationships, and embody our fullest potential to be an integrated, self-regulated, individuated, and fully awake human being.


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3 Steps to Mastering Flow - the Secret to High Engagement and Performance

BL00 - Flow

By Cara Bradley, Host of Embodiment @ Work Summit 2019, guest contributor

“The holy grail of today’s workplace is high employee engagement.” - Harvard Business Review, February 16, 2017

Top leaders know that high engagement leads to high performance. Engaged employees are happier and work harder on the job. Low engagement, on the other hand, cost US companies a cool $550 billion in lost revenue per year.

So how do you make your people more engaged? Well we all know telling them to be more en…

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3 Challenges being an Old White Guy

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By Rev. Dr. Bob Melone, guest contributor
Serving as pastor to nearly 200 people in a Presbyterian Church in Northern Virginia has taught me many things. But lately, all I seem to learn is that I am slowly, but surely, becoming an Old White Guy... And I don't like it!
My ‘youth’ used to be one of my strengths: a draw, an asset, a defining attribute that made me appealing to the Church – an institution in which the average member is well over 60 years old. But today, because my ‘youth…

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How to Choose a Healthy Life in an Unhealthy World: The Way of the Healthy Deviant

BL00 - HD Guys with Zombies3

By Pilar Gerasimo, guest contributor


  1. One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose
    behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.
    American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Ed.

Healthy Deviant:

  1. One who willingly defies unhealthy norms and conventions in
    order to achieve a high level of vitality, resilience, and autonomy.
    Pilar Gerasimo, 1st Ed.

For a lot of my life, I tried hard to pass for normal, to go along with what society told me would make me worthy…

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