
Mindful Leadership

How to Choose a Healthy Life in an Unhealthy World: The Way of the Healthy Deviant

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By Pilar Gerasimo, guest contributor


  1. One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose
    behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.
    American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Ed.

Healthy Deviant:

  1. One who willingly defies unhealthy norms and conventions in
    order to achieve a high level of vitality, resilience, and autonomy.
    Pilar Gerasimo, 1st Ed.

For a lot of my life, I tried hard to pass for normal, to go along with what society told me would make me worthy…

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Yoga and the Mindful Leader

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By Edi Pasalis, guest contributor

Yoga is offered in almost every corporate gym across the world but can be overlooked, perhaps because it is equated with exercise, as a tool for cultivating a mindful leader. Yoga is more than a chance to get fit or flexible. Yoga is a suite of practices, often known as the eight-limbed path, that includes lifestyle practices, breathing techniques, physical postures as well as various meditation practices. This suite of practices serves the leader who faces a m…

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From Frozen to Fearless: Two Quick Confidence Boosters for Public Speaking

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By Christopher Willard, guest contributor

According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two! Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than giving the eulogy! –Jerry Seinfeld

Public speaking is always in demand, in personal or professional life. Whether it’s Powerpoint-backed business pitches, retirement parties, marriages or memorials, countless requests come …

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How Can Meditation Make Us Better Leaders?

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By Marc Lesser, guest contributor

Perhaps most important, meditation helps lighten our hearts and let go of fear and hopelessness.

Leadership is a way to bring our hearts, courage, and optimism into our work and all our relationships to help make this world healthier and more compassionate.

I’ve noticed there is a good deal of misunderstanding about the practice of meditation. I’ve also noticed there is lack of clarity and understanding regarding the role and relationship of meditation with cul…

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Authentic Power: 3 Keys to Aligned Leadership

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By Emily Lane, guest contributor

Aligned Leadership is grounded in self-mastery. Functioning at the highest level of authentic power requires both strategic and daily practices of self-connection, as well as the moment-to-moment practice of mindfulness.

Treating self-relationship as a practice and investing time in it gives the individual access to profound internal resources. These are the difference between good leadership and great leadership - resources like energy, grace, courage, inspi…

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Meditate Like a Bad Ass: Insights from the Military Special Operations Community

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By Seth Hickerson and Zach Morton, guest contributors

Meditation is NOT hard.  Learning to meditate is hard.

The mind of a Navy SEAL is an amazing tool. The mind controls the body, and it takes training to control the mind. When it comes to individuals needing to have complete control of both body and mind, the tip of the spear is the U.S. military special operations community. The strength of the U.S. military has always been dependent upon the strength of the soldiers within its ranks. The s…

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Seven Steps To Mindful Leadership

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By Fleet Maull, PhD, CMT-P, guest contributor

No matter what type of leadership role you are in, you need to be able to connect with others while also staying connected with yourself, so that you can be a driving force for positivity.

Mindful leadership is an approach and set of skills and practices that can be developed and mastered in order to effectively lead, manage, and influence in today’s world, ensuring that you optimize your abilities as a leader within a business, a non-profit organi…

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Why Choose Stress?

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By John J. Murphy, guest contributor

You are a business leader about to give a keynote address. You are a student about to take an exam. You are a job seeker about to go into an interview. You are a basketball player about to shoot a game winning free throw. You are a mother caring for a sick child or elderly parent. How do you feel? Poised and confident? Relaxed and at ease? Or, nervous, anxious and stressed?

It doesn’t matter which scenario you find yourself in. We all face challenges in lif…

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Should You Be Your Authentic Self at Work?

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By Patricia Thompson, guest contributor

When I began my career as a management consultant, I was reluctant to be authentic. As a Black female who had just finished grad school, I was all too aware of potential negative stereotypes that others might have about me based on my age, gender, and race. As a result, I made it my mission to come across as pulled together, polished, and serious at all times.

To prevent any concerns about how knowledgeable I was, I led with my intelligence. At the same …

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How to Be a Better Human at Work

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By Schuyler Brown, guest contributor

Many of us are aware of the mindfulness revolution currently happening in corporate America, but perhaps less of us know about the interest in empathy that’s coming on its heels. Over the past few years, I’ve received requests to teach empathy at a social media giant, a large healthcare company, and a worldwide leader in hospitality. These companies have been early to the practice because their business models rely on interpersonal skills—building and keepin…

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