
Best of Summit

Leading with Mindfulness, Selflessness, and Compassion

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Jacqueline Carter at the 2018 At Work Summit
MLS22 Jacqueline Headshot-Max-Quality (1)

Jacqueline provides an overview of current leadership challenges and presents research findings for successful leadership practices in the 21st century. To address leadership challenges, Carter shares how mindfulness is an effective tool to manage attention for leaders. She discusses how research demonstrated most leaders feel ‘unmindful’ and their minds are cluttered, therefore resulting in tasks being incomplete. Carter provides three…

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Is Mindfulness Demotivating? State Mindfulness as a Workplace Intervention

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Andrew Hafenbrack, PhD at the 2019 At Work Summit
Speaker - Andrew Hafenbrack

Professor Hafenbrack presents his findings of research studies on Meditation and State Mindfulness, exploring if Mindfulness helps with motivating for mundane tasks. He explores the difference between State and Trait mindfulness, and the response his controversial NYT op-ed received that stated research studies had resulted in people feeling demotivated when it came to doing mundane tasks. This session discusses this research and the imp…

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What is it like to Meditate across 24 hours?

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What is it like to meditate across 24 hours? Mindful Leader CEO Mo Edjlali is joined by Kim Jones, a member of the Meditate Together community, to discuss their experience at the 2022 24 hour Sit-a-thon that occurred on March 30th. The two of them were the only two people to participate in all 24 sessions, and they both came away with some interesting insights from the experience!

Over 600 participants joined the 2022 24 hour Sit-a-thon sessions and raised funds for UNICEF's fund for Ukra…

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Become a More Conscious and Effective Leader

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This Summit Highlight Has Expired

Speaker - Rasmus Hougaard

Rasmus Haugaard at the 2017 Mindful Leadership Summit.

Rasmus Hougaard is the founder and CEO of Potential Project, a global leadership, organizational development and research firm serving Microsoft, Accenture, Cisco and hundreds of other organizations. He is co-author, with Jacqueline Carter, of Compassionate Leadership: How to Do Hard Things in a Human Way and The Mind of the Leader: How to Lead Yourself, Your People, and Your Organization for Extraordi…

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