
Workplace Mindfulness

7 Ways to Adapt Your Coaching Business to Changing Times

BL00 - Adapting Your Coaching Business to Changing Times-Max-Quality

By John J. Murphy, guest contributor

The year 2020 has clearly introduced some major challenges to our personal lives and our business practices. Travel has been severely restricted, and in many cases, canceled all together. Obviously, this means we need to pivot and adapt to succeed, especially if we travel for a living. In my case, I had a major contract with a new client in San Diego come to a temporary halt and several speaking engagements around the country canceled. What is a speaker, coa…

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A Mindful Alternative to Meditation

BL00 - A Mindful Alternative to Meditation-Max-Quality

By John J. Murphy, guest contributor

Meditation is an immensely helpful practice to bring harmony, balance, and inner peace into one’s life. It’s also a great way to boost creativity and improve performance. That’s why I do it every day to center myself, open my heart, clear my mind, and let go of anything weighing me down. Having said this, I am often asked about alternative practices or “tools” one can use to boost consciousness and elevate awareness. It’s not a bad idea to have more than one…

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5 Critical Organizational Pain Points that Mindfulness can Help

BL00 - 5 Critical Organizational Pain-points that Mindfulness can Help-Max-Quality

By Mo Edjlali, Chief Community Organizer, Mindful Leader

It's been exciting and sometimes concerning for me to watch mindfulness go mainstream. Though mindfulness has been overhyped in some ways - marketed as a panacea to fix everything - I believe that we are at the early stages of the potential for the application of mindfulness in the workplace. Here are some of the critical pain points that all organizations across industry and size face, which I believe workplace mindfulness programs will …

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How Mindfulness Helped Me Become a Better Police Officer

BL00 - Mindfulness Isn’t Inaction (and It’s Not Really About You)-Max-Quality

By Michelle Palladini, guest contributor

Today’s society offers countless ways to improve yourself, and the wave of mindfulness has come in like a tsunami in recent years. Many look towards mindful practice as a way to step back, regroup, and manage the thoughts/feelings/emotions that surface during the day. While mindfulness is an important tool, it’s just the vessel that keeps you afloat so you can communicate, connect, and lead effectively (it’s not actually about you).

The organizational i…

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Is MBSR the Right Option for the Workplace?

BL00 - Why You Shouldn't Teach MBSR in the Workplace-Max-Quality

View our Free Guide - What is MBSR?

By Andy Lee, guest contributor

If you wanted to identify the beginning of today’s burgeoning mindfulness movement, it wouldn’t be hard. All arrows would point back to Jon Kabat-Zinn and his development of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program, right around 1980. The program was completely originaland in many ways revolutionaryin a way that may be hard to appreciate today, as practically all programs developed since have been built on its groun…

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The 3 Rs of the New Workplace: Responsive, Resilient, Ready

BL00 - The 3 Rs of the New Workplace Responsive, Resilient, Ready

By Jay Forte, guest contributor

For many organizations, how they do business and how work is done has completely changed. Though many organizations feel compelled to return to the way things were before COVID-19, this isn’t possible. Many of the things that previously filled our days have been replaced with things we either never thought possible or thought we would get to someday, like workplaces with fully remote employees, touchless contact, effective video sales calls, home delivery of near…

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How Mindfulness Can Help Manage Work Stress

BL00 - How MBSR Can Help Your Complex Work Stress

View our Free Guide - What is MBSR?

By Brenda Fingold, guest contributor

Even in the best of times, work is messy. By its very nature, work is unpredictable, complex, and continually moving in directions that are both expected and unexpected, pleasant and unpleasant, controllable and uncontrollable. And yet, most of us still show up every day assuming that we can contain our experience and are surprised when a conflict arises, technology goes down, a valued colleague gives notice, a done d…

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Mindful, Responsible Marketing In The Era Of Coronavirus

BL00 - Mindful, Responsible Marketing in the Era of Coronavirus

By Tyler McCune, guest contributor

The recent coronavirus pandemic has brought waves of change to every corner of our lives. Every corner of the globe, too. And even though this is an extremely difficult time for many, with stress, illness, death, and financial hardship taking their tolls, this period of self-isolation gives us an opportunity to reflect on how we live and act moving forward. 

This is true in the mindfulness community. And this is true in the marketing community. 

In fact, the…

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Is Mindful Leader Still Using Zoom? And Should I Stop Using Zoom?

BL00 - Is Zoom Safe

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader's President 

With the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have started using the video conferencing tool Zoom. In fact. according to Zoom CEO Eric Yuan's April 1st statement, their user base went from 10 million people in December to 200 million people in March.  

At Mindful Leader, we have been using Zoom extensively for the last few years. You might be hearing some concerning information about Zoom and I wanted to share what we are doing to address thi…

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How Mindfulness Facilitators Can Lead Through COVID-19

BL00 - How Mindfulness Facilitators Can Lead Through COVID-19 2

By Wendy Quan, guest contributor

Everyone knows about COVID-19. This is a time filled with volatility, fluidity, and uncertainty, followed by fear, worry, or anxiety. Now more than ever, it’s important for people to learn mindfulness and meditation tools to deal with these stressors.

It is a perfect time to mobilize our skills as mindfulness facilitators to go online and open our reach to more people.  

If you have been trained as a mindfulness facilitator, you know the delight and relief peo…

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