

AI's Mind-Reading Breakthrough: 5 Ways it will Revolutionize Mindfulness

BL00 - AI's Mind-Reading Breakthrough 5 Ways it will Revolutionize Mindfulness

By The Mindful Leader Team

Imagine stepping into a thrilling new chapter in the world of technology. Picture a reality where artificial intelligence (AI) can tap into human brain activity and translate it into a coherent text. Sounds like a thing of the future, right? Well, this isn't some far-off dream. It's the present, unfolding right before our eyes. A groundbreaking study conducted by scientists at the University of Texas, Austin has recently opened up this new frontier, showing us how AI …

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The Psychology of Why We Don’t Do The Things That Are Good for Us

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Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, CEO & Founder at The Flourishing Center, at the 2022 Mindful Leader Summit

We all know that meditation is beneficial, but why is it still so hard to make it a habit? Learn how to use the science of well-being to successfully drive positive behavior change and to navigate the fundamental resistance to change. Overcome your own challenges to habit change while learning how to coach and support others through the same process.

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May Top 5 LinkedIn Recap

BL00 Top 5 LinkedIn Recap

This month, we had the opportunity to read many thought-provoking articles about leadership and mindful approaches to the workplace and then share those articles with our community. And the community spoke—as we approach the end of the month, we want to share some of the most popular articles from the past three weeks with you. We based our picks on our LinkedIn engagement, which includes reactions, shares, clicks, and comments. If you want to join us on LinkedIn, click here. For each article, w…

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Dialectic Thinking: The Secret to Exceptional Mindful Leadership

BL00 - Dialectic Thinking The Secret Sauce of Exceptional Mindful Leadership

By Mo Edjlali

I always thought that I needed to go for what I considered the middle path, the “gray” but I was wrong. We, humans, are biologically wired for binary thinking, naturally leaning towards 'either-or' perspectives, thinking black or white.  So I came up with a mantra to “think gray”.  The problem is when you think gray you lose the power of what is in the white and what is in the black and end up with passionless mediocrity. Worse yet you might oscillate between the two and feel at c…

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May Mindfulness and Workplace Wellness Research Round-Up

BL00 - Mindfulness and Workplace Wellness Research Round-Up

By The Mindful Leader Team

This month, we investigate the effectiveness of MBSR in treating anxiety as well as in helping parents of children with autism manage stress. Then, we see what the American Heart Association has to say about the link between psychological and cardiovascular health before looking at the findings of two major surveys on mental health in the workplace: SHRM’s research and Headspace’s Fifth Annual Workforce Attitudes Toward Mental Health report. We have summarized the mai…

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5 Myths About Self-Compassion

BL00 - 5 Myths about Self-Compassion

By Kristin Neff, guest contributor

What keeps us from being kinder to ourselves?

Most people don’t have any problem with seeing compassion as a thoroughly commendable quality. It seems to refer to an amalgam of unquestionably good qualities: kindness, mercy, tenderness, benevolence, understanding, empathy, sympathy, and fellow-feeling, along with an impulse to help other living creatures, human or animal, in distress. But we seem less sure about self-compassion. For many, it carries the whiff…

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Wandering Walks: Using Awe to Discover the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

BL00 - Wandering Walks Using Awe to Discover the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

By The Mindful Leader Team

What is Awe?

Awe is a complex and elusive emotion that can be challenging to define. Unlike most emotions, it can evoke both positive and negative feelings and can arise from various sources. For example, it can inspire feelings of wonder and fascination, but also overwhelm and disorientation. Psychologists Dacher Keltner and Jonathan Haidt proposed a conceptual approach to understanding awe in a seminal 2003 paper. They identified two key components of awe experienc…

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Surviving the AI Apocalypse Mindfully

BL00 - Surviving the AI Apocalypse Mindfully

By Mo Edjlali

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most groundbreaking and simultaneously alarming technologies in recent times. With the potential to fundamentally transform humanity and produce widespread, far-reaching effects, AI has sparked both fears and hope in our community. Some see the potential for an apocalyptic outcome and while others are eager to advance.   As a cautious optimist, my goal in this article is to share insights that can help you become more informed…

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April Neuroscience Round-Up for Mindful Leaders

BL00 -  Workplace Neuroscience Roundup-Max-Quality

By The Mindful Leader Team

This month, we consider the potential therapeutic value of human sweat in treating anxiety, examine how teenagers can use mindfulness to combat mental health issues, compare the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus cognitive behavioral therapy, explore the healing power of art, and look at a new spatial computing theory of working memory. We have summarized the main ideas and key takeaways below with links to the full articles.


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What "Bird-Noticing" Can Teach Us About Mindfulness

BL00 - What bird-noticing can teach us about mindfulness

By Rob Osborn, guest contributor 

Would you like to have fewer regrets? When you do the autopsy on the action, the critical word you’ve said, or the less-than-polite email you fired off, are you ever uncertain how you behaved differently from your values or intention? How did you get away from the plan to love others to not seeming to love others?

How do we end up doing what we don’t want to do? Even saints struggle with this. A towering figure in the Christian faith, the apostle Paul, rambled…

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