
How to Take Care of Your Health and Well-Being in the Time of Coronavirus

BL00 - How to Take Care of Your Health and Well-Being in the Time of Coronavirus

By Ted Meissner, guest contributor

Recent developments in our global community have shown just how small the world has become. Just last week, the World Health Organization designated the COVID-19 infection as a pandemic (1). Countries update their response daily, and the Center for Disease Control has issued informational fact pages about the virus (2).  And unfortunately, misinformation is also making the rounds (3), as well-intentioned people share what they've heard without critical thinkin…

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How Mindfulness Facilitators Can Lead Through COVID-19

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By Wendy Quan, guest contributor

Everyone knows about COVID-19. This is a time filled with volatility, fluidity, and uncertainty, followed by fear, worry, or anxiety. Now more than ever, it’s important for people to learn mindfulness and meditation tools to deal with these stressors.

It is a perfect time to mobilize our skills as mindfulness facilitators to go online and open our reach to more people.  

If you have been trained as a mindfulness facilitator, you know the delight and relief peo…

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Managing Emotions Effectively in Uncertain Times

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By Marc Brackett, guest contributor 

When we are overly stressed and worried, like many of us have felt lately with threats like the coronavirus, it becomes even more difficult to regulate our emotions with effective strategies.

But what exactly is effective emotion regulation?

Emotion regulation is how we deal with the feelings we experience from moment to moment to have wellbeing, build positive relationships, and achieve desired goals. When we’re feeling disappointed or joyful or anxious o…

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Using Mindfulness to Restore Ease and Build Connection

BL00 - Using Mindfulness to Restore Ease and Build Connection

By Breon Michel, guest contributor

Human relationships are primary in all of living. When the gusty winds blow and shake our lives, if we know that people care about us, we may bend with the wind… but we won’t break. – Mr. Rogers

My favorite professor in the U Penn Positive Psychology program, the late, Christopher Peterson, closed his lecture by saying, “If we were to distill the research on happiness into one phrase, it would be: other people matter.” I can still remember the way he leaned t…

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Is Mindfulness Changing Capitalism, or is Capitalism Changing Mindfulness?

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At the 2019 Mindful Leadership Summit, David Forbes and Rich Fernandez debated the question, is mindfulness changing capitalism, or is capitalism changing mindfulness?

At the 2019 Mindful Leadership Summit in Washington, DC, two critics and two pioneers of mindfulness met and debated. What happened during it was a fascinating look into different sides of the same issue with well-considered points and a wealth of detail. This was enough to make this one of the top-rated sessions of the we…

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The Power of Breathing Patterns: End Anxiety and Re-inspire

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This Free Summit Talk has expired.

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Max Strom at the 2019 Mindful Leadership Summit. With the rise of stress and anxiety in the world that is stifling happiness, meaning, and connection with each other, it might seem that something as simple as breathing patterns couldn’t possibly help. In this session, you will learn how scientific research and experience with tens of thousands of people around the world has found that utilizing conscious breathing patterns for a few minutes every day is the …

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COVID-19: A personal note from Mo

Dear Friends,  

The other night my 2 1/2-year-old daughter woke up screaming and trembling in fear. "What's wrong, honey?" I asked. Her response, " in my bed." I tried to comfort her, "No one is in your bed, it's just your imagination." I rubbed her back for a while, watched her eyes close, and then quietly snuck out of the room. A few minutes later I heard, "Daddy. Daddy! Daddy!!!" with more fear and panic. 

After five more times of the same cycle - crying, comforting, sneaki…

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8 Mindful Leadership Tips for Reducing Stress

BL00 - 8 Mindful Leadership Tips for Reduced Stress Living

By John Murphy, guest contributor

Here is something to contemplate: Why manage something when you can delete it? Why solve problems inside a box when it is the box itself that is the problem? 

In today’s world, we are inundated with strategies and techniques on how to manage unhealthy stress, but very little is offered on how to eliminate it. Some even question whether this is possible. 

No doubt, stress can be a challenge. Every year seems to bring more things to worry about. Viruses. Climat…

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Developing the Mindset and Skill Set of a Servant Leader

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What can mindful leaders learn from servant leadership, a movement that has been around since 1970? Find out from business leader, expert speaker, and the author of The One Minute Manager.

By Ken Blanchard, guest contributor

I have an important question for you: Are you here to serve or to be served?

Your answer to this question is the first step on your journey to becoming a servant leader. Why? Because self-serving leaders think leadership is all about them—but servant leaders know that lea…

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Do You Have the Mind of a Strategic Leader? 

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By Art Kleiner, Jeffrey Schwartz, and Josie Thomson, guest contributors

If you want to lead your organization toward long-range goals, prepare for these challenges.

The goal of many enterprises today – business, government, and not-for-profit – is to be strategic. This means being undaunted in the face of complexity and disruption: able to handle complex, “wicked problems” for which there is no obvious solution. And strategic organizations need strategic leaders: people who can foster that qua…

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