
Best of Summit Talks

Is Capitalism the Solution or the Problem? Changing the World by Changing How We Do Business

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Capitalism is an extraordinarily powerful idea that has uplifted the lives of billions of people. At the same time, it’s been abused by businesses to exploit their employees and harm their communities for short-term profit. It doesn't have to be this way.

Come hear stories of business as a source of healing, inspiration, meaning, and prosperity.

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Raj Sisodia is FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Whole Foods Market Research Scholar in Con…

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Bringing Mindfulness to Students of Color in Higher Education

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This workshop will address the critical need at universities for mindfulness programming created for students of color. The long-standing and daily racism that people of color endure can hinder self-esteem, positive body image and healthy decision-making.

Mindfulness principles and practices can act as empowerment tools to address self-limiting beliefs related to one's racial and ethnic identity. By letting go of false and unhealthy narratives, students begin to move beyond any barriers in thei…

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Is the Dream of a Mindful Nation Over?

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How did USA presidential candidate Tim Ryan respond when asked if a dream of a mindful nation is over?  

This talk with Congressman Tim Ryan provides hope & insight about a peaceful revolution. Can we unite around the common things we all hold dear? Or will our positions define and separate us? Learn from Congressman Tim Ryan about ordinary citizens who are making big differences and an inspiring vision for our future.  

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Running Time 35 Minutes


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Office-Friendly Mindful Movement and Breath Techniques

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Discover simple, safe, effective movements to relieve physical tension and reduce stress at the office. Larissa's clear instructions, thoughtful sequencing, and soothing approach will empower you to take these mindful chair and standing practices back home with you and share with your colleagues.

NOTE: For any health concern, always consult with your primary care physician before beginning this or any new exercise. Practice gently, and never strain or force. If you feel pain or discomfort duri…

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Leadership Embodiment: Cultivating Presence, Confidence and Compassion

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Each of us has patterns that arise when we are confronted with a challenging situation. Often our mind understands what is needed to create a more skillful interaction, yet we are not able to do what we so clearly understand. Under duress, the body always wins.

In this session with Wendy Palmer, she teaches us how our body (limbic) learns in a different way and at a different pace than our mind (neocortex). In order to be congruent, our body needs to learn in clear, simple, patterns that allow…

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Embodied Leadership

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How can leaders in our fast-paced and complex work environments produce new outcomes that are aligned with our values and create cohesive teams, even under pressure?

Explore the possibilities that embodied leadership and somatic practices can open for leaders and teams at companies like EnPro Industries in this session featuring Richard Strozzi - Heckler and Marvin Riley. 

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Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D. is founder and Co-director of Methodology at Strozzi I…

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Cultivating Racial Awareness

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Racism remains one of the most rooted and painful impasses of our time. In this session featuring Ruth King, we explore how mindful awareness supports racial wellbeing and leadership transformation.

With the Racial Awareness Rubik™ — an understanding of our individual and collective racial conditioning and their systemic proliferation. 

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  Speaker - Ruth King

Ruth King is an international teacher in the Insight Meditation tradition and founder of Mindful Members Insight Meditat…

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Pushing Into Fear with Devotion & Purpose

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Happy New Year!

We want to kick 2019 off with this insightful session with Leo Babauta, creator of Zen Habits, on pushing past discomfort and fear when setting new habits and goals.

He talks about how developing a system of control in our life can help us confront our fears and overcome them. Opening up our minds lends a hand in helping us push our discomforts to the side so that we can reach the reward of conquering them.

Leo leaves this session with a 30-day challenge to notice your discomforts a…

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The Four Insights of Gift Ecology

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With the spirit of the holidays, what better than a talk about spreading love and generosity.

In this session, Nipun Mehta, founder of Service Space, shares the four insights of Gift Ecology, how anyone can be a great giver, and how giving connects us. He beautifully illustrates how generosity is the bridge to kindness and connectivity to not just everyone but everything. 

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Nipun Mehta is the founder of ServiceSpace, an incubator of projects that works at …

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Mindfulness for Emerging Adults

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Tis the season for connecting with loved ones including our young adults as they head home for the holidays. We thought this would be a great time to share this session with Yael Shy, the founder of the MindfulNYU, who helps bring the practice of mindfulness to those emerging into adulthood.

She shares her story on how she learned to help young adults shift their thinking about traditional mindfulness and meditation to simply learning how to take on the world from a heart-center place.

This Fr…

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